A Plant-Based Diet isn't for Everyone...Though it Might Work for You!

For those who know me…or who have read my resource guide…or viewed the Nourish page of my 3 Key Concepts to Improved Health, I’ve shared that my current meal plan has evolved over time. The food I ate as a child was different from the food I ate as a young woman - a pregnant mom - and has continued to change during my 30’s, 40’s, and into my 50’s. Much of this was due to personal taste, making my own choices as an adult, and personal preferences.

Education, trial and error, and my health status led me to Dr. John McDougall and The Starch Solution. Whether you are interested in a plant-based diet, or simply want to add more vegetables and fruits to your meals, my recommendation is this, “Eat what you want and hold yourself accountable for your choices.” Food is impactful in regards to our health and can either harm or heal.

The content below was shared within Whole Communities in response to an article asking whether or not some people may not benefit from eating a plant-based diet. The easy way to find out is simply to try it and see for yourself. Though there may be medical reasons why this way of eating may not be helpful. How will you know unless you’ve either implemented this approach? I’ve tried the high protein approach, I’ve followed a number of fads such as the grapefruit diet, fasting, the lemonade diet, and even national chain diets such as Weight Watchers. Each of these methods failed, didn’t offer sustainable results, and I felt awful. The Starch Solution works for me and I have achieved health results that astound my healthcare providers. Maintaining a lean weight is helpful for my artificial joints but is the least of my concerns…feeling better and managing my overall health motivates me.

The answer I provided may help you consider this way of eating to better manage your own health.

Dine Well. ~Tiffany Anderson, LMT, RMT, BS, CHES

My background is in Health Education, and I embraced a whole food approach about 7 years ago. Eating this way has helped me to manage my own chronic conditions of arthritis, asthma, Hashimoto's disease, shingles, and dual posterior hip replacement. My medical team are impressed and often baffled at the optimal results I am achieving, especially while reading the results from my bi-annual blood work. At 57-years-old, I am maintaining a weight of 128-130 lbs, I exercise for 60-90 minutes daily, require minimal thyroid medication, and recently traveled to hike the ruins of Teotihuacan and the surrounding area (with a much younger tour group) and experienced only minimal discomfort. 

While I am coaching, mentoring, or teaching others about eating a plant-based diet I open the discussion with a disclaimer...this way of eating isn't for everyone. I believe that an adult should educate themselves about their food, eat whatever they want, and simply accept the consequences of their dietary choices. Plant-based eating impacts every aspect of my lifestyle which is challenging for many people to even consider, let alone adopt full-time. The rewards I experience are worth every minute I spend towards meal planning, shopping, prepping, cooking, and dining. I have a much healthier relationship with food now that I view nutrition as lifestyle medicine. My meals are still beautiful and delicious - though most importantly, my meals are nutritious, satisfying, and healing.

-Tiffany Anderson, shared 10/8/2022 with Whole Communities

Prevent Falls - FREE Balance Routines to do at Home!

Everyone can improve their balance regardless of age, ability, or fitness level. From toe tapping to leg lifts to Tai Chi Prime - there are balance routines available 24/7 thanks to the virtual landscape. View and download a PDF of the Otago Exercise Program (a course delivered by physical therapists), the PDF offers visual descriptions of each exercise as well as a printable exercise calendar. Find it here.

The 20-minute Balance Walk by Fabulous50s is one of my favorites...I’ve incorporated this workout into my fitness routine at least once or twice per week and have seen a tremendous improvement in my balance. Plus, I’ve added a 5-minute balance routine that is ideal for beginners. A comprehensive list of evidence-based falls prevention programs is available from the National Council on Aging which means you have plenty of options to choose from! No excuses…improve your balance and prevent falls.

Be Well. ~Tiffany Anderson, LMT, RMT, BS, CHES

Founder, Anderson Therapeutics

Author - Butternut to Bionic: A Resource Guide for Hip Replacement Surgery

Prevent Falls - By Caring For Your Feet

The feet are complex structures that can sustain an enormous amount of pressure, provide flexibility, and hold our bodies erect. Our feet are comprised of 52 bones, 33 joints, 19 muscles and tendons…take a moment and look down towards your own two feet. Are you taking good care of them? If not, this week is the perfect time to know your risks by taking a FREE falls-checkup during National Falls Prevention Week, September 18-24.

Unfortunately, our feet are too often ignored, can become rigid, and may stiffen over time due to any number of reasons such as poor choices in footwear, illness, injury, or mobility concerns. Realize that it is important to articulate your feet, spend time walking barefoot if you can, and stretch your feet and toes often.

Healthy Feet = Better Balance!

Invest in the health of your feet. Check out these 5 foot strengthening exercises, contact a qualified alternative healthcare provider to receive foot reflexology, schedule a visit with a podiatrist to address medical concerns, and treat your feet to regular Epsom salt soaks to relieve tension, swelling, and strain.

Be Well! ~ Tiffany Anderson, LMT, RMT, BS, CHES

*Portions of this post was first published on November 30, 2017.

Prevent Falls and Accidents - FREE Online Screening Tool

Falls Prevention Awareness Week

September 18th - 24th, 2022

Join the National Council on Aging in observing Falls Prevention Awareness Week, September 18-24, 2022. The week is a national health campaign observed on the first day of fall to increase awareness around falls health and injury prevention.

The NCOA has created Falls Free Check-Up, an online screening tool that can serve as a first step for older adults to learn more about falls risk and steps to prevent falls and accidents. To take the Check-Up, click the red button below.


Readers - here are a few of my fall prevention tips…practice balance exercises daily, stabilize your core, strengthen and protect your joints, and wear sensible shoes. There are free falls prevention classes available at a variety of facilities like senior centers and health centers across the U.S., find one near you here.

Say no to falling and Be Well. ~Tiffany

Immune Support...Thymus Thumping

Cold and flu season is right around the corner - are you taking steps to avoid becoming sick?

Simple choices can strengthen your immune system and protect your health. Lifestyle choices such as avoiding tobacco, eating plenty of vegetables and fruits, exercising regularly, getting enough rest, maintaining a healthy weight, and if you do drink alcohol...drink in moderation. Do these suggestions sound familiar? Lifestyle choices can have a powerful and positive impact on your health. *

Additional steps to boost immune health and prevent illness include:

  • Spending time in nature (forest bathing!) and enjoying moderate time in the sun.

  • Drinking herbal teas.

  • Meditation, prayer, and deep breathing techniques.

  • Thymus Thumping. Learn about this lymphoid organ and how thymus thumping can benefit you and your family. Check out this video demonstration and/or these easy to follow steps on a patient education sheet from the Seattle Children’s Family Resource Center, titled, The Three Thumps, here.

This information is not a substitute for medical advice. Take what is useful, investigate these options, and speak to your physician before incorporating something new into your personal wellness plan.

Now, more than ever, take good care of yourself to prevent illness, and invest in your health.

Be Well. ~Tiffany Anderson, LMT, RMT, BS, CHES

Founder, Anderson Therapeutics

*This post is an excerpt first shared in the September 2019 Anderson Therapeutics monthly newsletter, emailed to subscribers, and archived online. Please note that monthly newsletters shifted to seasonal/quarterly editions beginning March 2020. Read the September 2019 issue in it’s entirety here.

Image courtesy of Adobe Free Stock photos. https://stock.adobe.com/search?k=thymus+gland

Love Your Liver? Give it Some Lemon...

An internal medicine specialist, and several of my own medical practitioners, encouraged me to follow a simply daily habit to support liver health.

The daily practice is simple: I start my day with warm water and fresh lemon juice.

Lemon water offers significant health benefits. Lemons contain vitamin C, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, vitamin B-6, and minerals such as zinc, calcium, and potassium. Lemon water is hydrating, energizing, and supports digestion. Drinking this blend early in the day is important since you’ll want to have an empty stomach which allows the lemon water to enter the digestive tract more quickly. Remember, the complex act of digestion requires energy…which is why it’s best not to overeat in the evening. Do your best to eat your evening meal a few hours before it’s time for sleep. Other benefits of lemon water include:

Liver health: The liver is a crucial organ that helps to restore and detoxify our body. Lemon juice supports liver health, activates digestive enzymes, and improves bile production.

Anti-inflammatory properties: Lemons are natural diuretics, helping to remove waste, alkalize the body and balance pH levels. and can relieve pain related to rheumatism. Lemon water also increases metabolism and is a natural appetite suppressant - by adding lemon water to your morning routine, you may even lose a bit of excess weight!

How much lemon water and how often? The recommendation is to squeeze 1/4 to 1/2 of a small lemon into a cup of water and drink daily. Why do I prefer warm water? Simply because it’s less taxing on my stomach early in the morning…if you prefer cool or cold water, go for it! Adding an adequate amount of water to the lemon juice is important, the acidity of undiluted lemon juice can damage tooth enamel. After drinking the mix, rinse your mouth to protect your teeth.

The Cleveland Clinic has more to say about the benefits of drinking lemon water here.

This information is not a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. Take what is useful, investigate these options, and speak to your doctor before incorporating something new into your personal wellness plan.

Be Well. ~Tiffany Anderson, LMT, RMT, BS, CHES

*Portions of this blog first posted on June 7, 2018

Surgery? Discount Resource Guide to Help you Prepare, Recover, Heal

Anderson Therapeutics is celebrating a 5-year “Bookversary”!

Butternut to Bionic introduces us to a medical mystery tale and offers a unique and comprehensive approach to recovery before and after surgery.

This resource guide was written from the patient’s perspective and shares guidance, support, and encouragement. Step by step, the author helps you understand your medical team, better prepare for surgery, plus improve and accelerate your recovery time.

Reasons why you want a copy for yourself and those you care about…

“I am so grateful Tiffany wrote this book! Even though it is specific for those going through hip replacement, her advice is relevant for most any type of surgery. I loved her section on interviewing surgeons and how you can become a more savvy patient by being informed and asking the right questions. She will guide you every step of the way as she has knows the path well. This book will definitely be on my list of recommendations for my patients going through hip replacement, and more. And - it's very well written and easy to read! Thank you, Tiffany!” - Dr. Leslie Peterson, ND

"Anderson uses her knowledge to provide readers with extensive, yet concise information that includes resources, suggestions and a checklist for people who are either going through hip replacement or assisting someone going through the process.This is highly recommended reading." -Paige Lovitt for Reader Views

"This book is a must-read for anyone facing major surgery or those interested in improving their personal health. The most empowering message from the book is that there is life, health, and hope ahead." - Maria Milligan, Utah Stories

"My favorite feature of the book was the author's comparison of joint replacement to necessary home maintenance. As an avid DIY enthusiast, I found this illustration quite engaging and much more fun to read than a book full of medical jargon. I'm pleased to rate it 4 out of 4 stars." - Official Review Online Book Club

“This book is a very helpful guide for anyone facing major surgery. I felt reading the book is like sitting down and talking over experiences and challenges with a friend over a cup of tea. Tiffany is very open and honest. I like how she combines western and alternative medicine possibilities to help the healing process, and honestly could be applied to all aspects of life. I highly recommend this book.” - L. Bodganow, Epidemiologist

“When I began reading Tiffany's book, I was not in need of a hip replacement. I was concerned for an aging parent, who, one day may need such care. Yet, Tiffany engaged me as a reader and I felt inspired by her tenacity and grit, detailing her journey through a most difficult medical crisis. The thing is, it doesn't read like a medical book! She includes so much more, in considering the social, physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual aspects of caring for oneself in a holisitc way. The enhanced healing techniques she provides offer a plethora of options to try. As a mental health practitioner, I am always seeking resources to provide to clients. And I am grateful to have this read, not just as a medical resource, but also a very inclusive guide for pre- and post surgery. What a wonderful offering for anyone anticipating hip surgery or just searching for all around wellness! Touche Tiffany. Well Done.” - T. Busch, LCSW

“The one feature that will keep this book from being required reading for everyone undergoing a total hip replacement is Tiffany’s use of alternative therapies and medicines before, during and after her surgeries. However, given the opioid crisis, it has never been more timely to know there are other ways to deal with post surgical pain in addition to using pills that for some will lead to addiction.
Butternut to Bionic is Tiffany Anderson’s story, very well written, and an honest, detailed and often humorous account about how she prepared, went through and recovered from two total hip replacements and one hip revision. And while Tiffany is a proponent of alternative treatments, she does not stint on clearly crediting the practitioners of Western medicine, her surgeon, his team, the hospital staff, and all their expertise, for literally giving her her life back.
And though the lists of questions she provides for patients to ask their doctors before surgery, along with the myriad suggestions of how to prepare for life post-surgery alone would make this book a must read for any preoperative patient, it is so much more than that. In Butternut to Bionic Tiffany not only recounts events, but shares her feelings and fears along the way adding another valuable dimension to her story and the advice she gives. Spoiler alert. When she described the moment she learned she had a fracture after her second hip replacement that needed another surgery, I gasped and felt her despair, too.
I highly recommend this book to anyone contemplating total hip replacement. And to any medical provider who has qualms about recommending this book because he or she does not feel comfortable with any or all of the non-traditional therapies Tiffany used, I say, by all means, share the same caveat Tiffany herself consistently gave throughout her book each time she wrote about using an alternative treatment or medicine that worked for her: “Ask your doctor.”
However. Who knows? Maybe one or all of the nontraditional ways Tiffany used that allowed her to wean herself off her strong pain pills earlier rather than later just might keep one less person, hopefully many, from becoming yet another statistic in this country’s ongoing opioid epidemic.” - Lynn Little, RN

“Wow! I wish that I would have read Tiffany's Butternut to Bionic six months before I had my hip replacement. I thought that I had asked plenty of questions prior, but obviously not the right questions to be properly informed and prepared for the surgery or the aftercare. Tiffany has given the reader the knowledge and methods that she has gleaned and organized from her own experiences. Had this resource guide been available before my decisions were made, I feel certain that they would have been more informed and that my surgery would have had a more positive outcome.

Orthopedic surgeons should be providing this resource to their patients pre-surgery. This book covers it all. And although this pertains specifically to joint replacement surgery, this book is a tremendous resource guide for patients facing surgeries or contemplating any medical procedures or treatments. Knowledge is power, and we should always be able to maintain power over our medical decisions.”

Barbara Good
Salt Lake City, Utah
Left Anterior Hip Replacement - 2014

Access this discounted resource guide that can help you prepare for surgery, recover, and heal.

Be Well and Happy Reading!

~Tiffany Anderson, Author, LMT, RMT, BS, CHES Founder, Anderson Therapeutics

Celebrating with my son in Seattle, WA…visited a brick and mortar Amazon store thanking them for showcasing Butternut to Bionic. :)

Image by Sofia Iivarinen from Pixabay