Everyone can improve their balance regardless of age, ability, or fitness level. From toe tapping to leg lifts to Tai Chi Prime - there are balance routines available 24/7 thanks to the virtual landscape. View and download a PDF of the Otago Exercise Program (a course delivered by physical therapists), the PDF offers visual descriptions of each exercise as well as a printable exercise calendar. Find it here.
The 20-minute Balance Walk by Fabulous50s is one of my favorites...I’ve incorporated this workout into my fitness routine at least once or twice per week and have seen a tremendous improvement in my balance. Plus, I’ve added a 5-minute balance routine that is ideal for beginners. A comprehensive list of evidence-based falls prevention programs is available from the National Council on Aging which means you have plenty of options to choose from! No excuses…improve your balance and prevent falls.
Be Well. ~Tiffany Anderson, LMT, RMT, BS, CHES
Founder, Anderson Therapeutics
Author - Butternut to Bionic: A Resource Guide for Hip Replacement Surgery