Why FIVE pounds?
Ten years ago I underwent joint replacement surgery. My surgeon gave me a set of directions, exercises, and lifestyle tips to protect my new joints and to avoid future surgeries. My number one goal, per my doctor, was to keep my weight down. Easier said than done, right? After three life changing surgeries - over the course of 18 months - left me dealing with plenty of swelling and scar tissue. I was in a great deal of pain, and I was learning to walk again using my new bionic parts. Losing weight can and does take time, especially after surgery.
So again, why am I focusing on losing five pounds? First of all, I know that I will personally benefit and could use to lose at least five pounds of excess weight. You know your own body…are you happy at your current weight? If not, then perhaps this will motivate you. Did you realize that five pounds of excess weight can place twenty-five pounds of pressure on our joints?
Think of that heavy winter coat that is stored on the same hanger, year after year. Maybe you’ve draped a scarf or a handbag on that coat, or even added one more coat to the hanger to save space…pretty soon, the hanger will droop and sometimes it will even break. Our skeletons are the same way. Our bones are only designed to effectively support a certain amount of weight.
Joint failure and dislocation are two of my greatest health fears…I distinctly remember hearing the cries of a man who had fallen and dislocated his new hip while I was still in the hospital recovering from my first joint replacement surgery. His screams were horrifying to hear. This was a very big man who got a bit cocky with the rehabilitation team. He felt he could speed up his recovery; and then a simple trip and fall on the way to the bathroom led to another invasive and expensive surgery.
Everyone is different, you and your physician get to decide what a healthy weight is for your body type. By shedding a little bit of excess weight that your body doesn’t need…you support the health of your skeleton. After all, our bones are our foundation and that is worth protecting.
I want to avoid future surgeries to the best of my ability. Plus…by maintaining a healthy weight I am protecting my artificial joints, reducing inflammation, and I feel better. Isn’t that something that we all want? To feel better? Dropping five pounds can make a significant difference in how we feel (as long as you have that much weight to lose). I invite you to join me and drop five pounds…the timing is up to you. We will start this week and you set your own end date. I encourage you to choose a ‘doable goal date’ such as a month or two from now.
The Drop Five Challenge begins on August 18, 2022. I chose that date since in one month I am embarking on an archeological and spiritual retreat at Teotihuacan, Mexico. By ‘lightening my load’ I will feel much better hiking at high altitudes. My starting weight is 134.4 pounds. Since I have a small frame and am 5’7” tall, I know that reaching 129 pounds is highly achievable and I have been at that weight before…even after the age 50. Visualize how you will feel achieving your goal of losing five pounds…I see myself with more energy and less creakiness in my joints!
The strategies I will use during this challenge include: Ramping up my current morning fitness routine, starting every meal with vegetables, drinking more water, and adding a daily apple cider vinegar tonic to reduce cravings for sweets. I plan on spending more time in nature, meditating often, and stretching morning and night. Check back daily for exercise tips, links to recipes, and guided meditations to help you better manage stress. Let’s succeed together!
This information is not a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. Take what is useful, investigate these options, and speak to your doctor before incorporating something new into your personal wellness plan.
Be Well. ~Tiffany Anderson, LMT, RMT, BS, CHES
Founder, Anderson Therapeutics
Author, Butternut to Bionic: A Resource Guide for Hip Replacement Surgery