Desert Dweller? Harvest Your Creativity Indoors or Out...

The Thirsty Thursday August topic, Harvest Time, branches out beyond food. We can also harvest creativity as a way to nourish the spirit, the mind, and the body. August is a popular time for vacations and when many of us are outside more often.  The photo shared is of a Joshua Tree in bloom…I happened upon this tree on my way to the Grand Canyon Skywalk in April.

John Muir said, “In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.”

Being outdoors, whether close to home or further away, can relieve stress and help you relax.  Days when I am busy and neglect my nature time I turn my attention to houseplants, a vase of fresh cut flowers in my office, portraits of landscapes, or even YouTube videos of ocean waves.  Busy or not, I know that nature moments are helpful for me to de-stress. Creativity and nature are wonderful partners.

Make time for nature whether you are inside or outside. Find a green space near you to Forest Bath, practice Tai Chi in the park, volunteer at a Community Garden, or help a friend or loved one with yard work.

Be Well.


*Portion of this post first published August 11, 2016