Soothe, Nourish, and Rest in 2022. Our wish list plus added FREEBIES...

Early Christmas morning we watched NASA’s live coverage of the James Webb telescope as it launched towards deep space. It was a thrilling and unique way to start this holiday, reminding each of us that we are reaching for the stars as we look ahead to 2022. The 2022 Resolution Wish List of our team includes things like wanting to meditate more often, de-clutter our homes, and improve our relationships with ourselves and others. To accomplish these goals we are writing them down, making those goals achievable, and sharing what we’ve written to our accountability buddies. We’ve also found additional resources that align with our goals - Scroll down to see these added freebies. They might interest you as well!

Who we are…

Anderson Therapeutics is a virtual space offering FREE resources, tools, and tips to help those managing chronic conditions and/or living with artificial joints. This website was first launched in 2016, and has been the self-funded enterprise of our founder, Tiffany Anderson, LMT, RMT, BS, CHES.

At the heart of our website are 3 Key Concepts to Improved Health; which are to Soothe, Nourish, and Rest. The founder of Anderson Therapeutics practices these three key concepts as a way to better manage her own chronic conditions, and were invaluable tools in 2010 as she was recovering from life threatening illness and underwent three life changing surgeries. This journey to recovery led our founder to write and publish the book, Butternut to Bionic: A Resource Guide to Hip Replacement Surgery. (7/2017)

At Anderson Therapeutics we prefer a simple and non-invasive approach to health and overall well being paired with traditional Western methods as they are needed.

What we’ve done…

Securing a trusted healthcare team and investing in regular medical exams is an important part of our preventive approach. This demonstrates our willingness to partner and practice self-care, seek and apply complementary care, and meld this with our medical care. This partnership is much like a mechanic and maintenance tools that you might seek out while repairing your car or getting regular oil changes. A partnership of care supports our ever changing bodies and minds, and the results have improved our health in ways we hadn’t believed possible. Read these success stories for yourself - highlighting the experiences of others and of our founder.

What we hope to accomplish…

The year of 2022 holds promise and hope. A period of hibernation, quiet, and reflection are in store for Anderson Therapeutics. The resources shared in the list below are a few of the tools that we will be incorporating into our 2022 Wellness Plan - remember, each of them are free. Investigate these options, take what is useful, and leave behind what is not. We feel that is the beauty of choice as we continue our journey to improved health…the team of Anderson Therapeutics do our best to practice what we preach and accept the consequences of our behaviors.

*This advice is not meant to replace medical care. Always speak to your physician before making any changes that can impact your health.

Best wishes for the New Year. We wish you well. ~The Anderson Therapeutics Team

  • Rest on New Year’s Day - Tap with Brad Yates on January 1, 2022 12:00PM (PST). A free one hour virtual event, register here.

  • Dr. Gustavo Tolosa’s First Book Club of 2022 - On January 3, 2022 4:00PM (PST), Dr. John McDougall will appear as the club begins reading his book, “McDougall’s Medicine: A Challenging Second Opinion”. Dr. McDougall is generously offering a free digital copy for those who register by December 31st. You will need to click on "Register to all dates below" as the system doesn't allow you to register for individual dates.

  • Nourish and detox your physical space. We discovered the website of Jen in 2019; her Household Organization Diet is becoming an annual tradition. Check out the details here: 31 Day Home Detox De-cluttering Challenge. Scroll down for the free printable and enjoy seeing just how much you can accomplish in 15 minutes.

  • Relax and soothe your mind: Visit the Temple of Sacred Sound, a sound healing project from Jonathan Goldman. You’ll find a visual and audio pairing that we’ve enjoyed for reflection, meditation, and relaxation.

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay