Happy Boxing Day...

Charitable giving is an important aspect of the holiday season, and is an annual ritual that became much more significant when I became a parent. Introducing my child to volunteer work through words and action played an important role in his development. This in turn challenged me to look in the mirror more often and ask…how can I improve myself and better serve those in need? These are reasons why I entered the field of health education and why my family supports charitable giving year round.

Looking back, I recognize that as a Utah native it took some time for me to understand and learn about holidays such as Boxing Day. This lack of knowledge was due to a number of factors related to myself, my family, my community, and the school system I attended. Over the years I have felt incredibly naive and a bit embarrassed to admit that Boxing Day was something I hadn’t heard much about as a child or even as a young adult.

The success I have achieved and the successes my son has achieved in his career and life are a tribute to the spirit of Boxing Day. The gift is in the giving…pay it forward in actions, words, or goods in thanks for all that you have.

Becoming a single parent ignited a sense of urgency in me to further my education. This drive was sparked and encouraged by local libraries, my fascination with PBS programming, listening to and learning from a local community radio station (KRCL), and expanding my horizons tuning into NPR. These organizations and non-profits helped me find the courage to enter college at age 30. Earning a degree in Health Education and Promotion took place the year I turned 40 and coincided with the year that my now grown son graduated from high school. Time and experience has enabled me to grow…I am grateful for what I have, and know firsthand that it’s never to late to learn, or improve ones circumstance. Without resources and education, my life would no doubt be very different.

In gratitude for what I have received, the Anderson Therapeutics website will remain active and follow it’s mission throughout 2022 - offering free resources, tips, and tools for those managing chronic conditions. Donated and loaner copies of the book, Butternut to Bionic: A Resource Guide for Hip Replacement Surgery, will continue to be offered by request to rehabilitation facilities, assisted living centers, physicians, caregivers, book clubs, and those in need. (See website for details.)

A special thank you goes out to my employers, since without a regular income, the ability to self-fund these resources would not be possible. Happy Boxing Day.

Be Well. ~Tiffany Anderson, LMT, RMT, BS, CHES

Author and Founder, Anderson Therapeutics