A Little Hibernation is Good for the Mind - Michaela Chung

Soothe, Nourish, and Rest in 2022.

We invite you to join us and become a more active participant in your journey to improved health.

The year of 2022 holds promise and hope. A period of hibernation, quiet, and reflection are in store for Anderson Therapeutics. The resources shared in the final Thirsty Thursday blog post of 2021 describes a few of the tools that we will incorporate into our 2022 Wellness Plan - each of these resources are free. Investigate these options, take what is useful, and leave behind what is not. We feel that is the beauty of choice as we continue our journey to improved health…the team of Anderson Therapeutics do our best to practice what we preach and accept the consequences of our behaviors. See you in spring.

Best wishes for the New Year, ~The Anderson Therapeutics Team

*The advice shared on this site and within our Thirsty Thursday wellness blog is not meant to replace medical care.

Always speak to your physician before making any changes that can impact your health.

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay