Finding a Qualified Massage Therapist

While receiving a therapeutic massage a number of significant health benefits take place. Heart rate and blood pressure is lowered, respiration deepens, circulation increases, tension in the muscles and tissues are released, posture can be improved, and immune function is strengthened. Plus, human touch offers relaxation and helps to manage stress and anxiety. It is suggested to receive a professional massage at least once every 4-6 weeks to maintain the aforementioned benefits. Personally, I feel my best when I receive a massage monthly.

Finding a qualified therapist can be challenging, especially for those of us living with chronic conditions. You may be looking for a therapist who understands the special needs of arthritis or artificial joints, certain skin conditions, or even diseases such as diabetes or cancer. You may also be looking for specialized work such as Deep Tissue, Myofascial Release, Reiki, CranioSacral, or Reflexology. Certification requirements, standards, and educational background of therapists vary greatly. Be aware that states such as Wyoming, Kansas, Oklahoma, Minnesota, and Vermont do not require a person to hold a license or education to practice massage whereas states such as Oregon and Washington require education equivalent to an Associates degree. To practice massage therapy in Utah, a minimum of 600 hours of training is required. I opted for extensive training and specialized certifications, earning 780 hours of initial training in 1997 and have continued my education for over two decades. My background has enabled me to work within a clinical setting at hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, and senior centers. I currently work at The Kura Door in Salt Lake City alongside some of the most highly educated therapists in the state. The Kura Door has won best in state awards for good reason and is unlike any other day spa in Utah. Visit this holistic Japanese day spa if you’d like to schedule an appointment with myself. The Kura Door is an experience that offers quality bodywork, a traditional Japanese Ofuro bath, a dry sauna, and a eucalyptus steam room. Here are a few tips to help you find a professional licensed massage therapist near you:

  • Search your states Division of Occupational Licensing, this ensures the credentials of a therapist and will also inform you if any violations have been reported against them.

  • Use the zip code finder with professional organizations such as ABMP or the AMTA. Both of these sites offer continuing education and the liability insurance that all massage therapists are required to hold.

  • Check with a local trade school for graduates practicing near you. I attended the Myotherapy College of Massage Therapy which supports the career growth of their students. Trade schools also run student clinics where the public may receive bodywork at discounted prices while students earn their ‘hands on’ practical hours.

  • Check with your physician or insurance company. Many health care providers and insurers partner with massage therapists and can refer you to a qualified practitioner.

    Be Well! ~Tiffany
