Strengthening our hips improves mobility, prevents injury, and even reduces the likelihood of back pain. A simple and highly effective exercise to strengthen our hips are squats. The key to the effectiveness of this exercise is technique. Learn how to perform the perfect squat here.
Top benefits of squatting include…
As we squat, we are putting our entire body in an anabolic state (muscle building) by activating our quads, hamstrings, thighs, core, lower back and butt. Not many exercises can activate your whole body in this way and develop strength and muscle building in all parts of the body.
As we squat, we are relying heavily on our legs and core to help keep us upright and stable. In developing our core through squatting, our mobility is improved, allowing us to become more balanced. Strong legs are pivotal to mobility as we age as well.
A lot of injuries sustained as we get older are due to weaker joints and muscles and the ligaments that hold it all together. If these are weaker, it’s much easier for us to hurt ourselves by doing the simplest of things. Squatting regularly will actually help to strengthen these body parts for less potential injury.
Be Well. ~Tiffany
Source: Fabulous50s