Improving Your Balance...

According to the World Health Organization, falls are the second leading cause of unintentional injury deaths worldwide. While age is a key risk factor, all people who fall risk severe injury or death. For those like myself, a mature adult living with arthritis and artificial hips, a fall can lead to dislocation and/or disability. No one wants to fall and yes, accidents happen. Preventing falls is a multifaceted effort and includes safety measures such as modifying your home; things like removing rugs, adding a grab bar to the shower, installing nightlights, cleaning up clutter to remove trip hazards, and adding nonslip mats to the tub. Other things to consider are medications that might cause dizziness, and perhaps needing an eye exam since depth perception and reduced visual field increase fall risk. Besides these considerations and changes to our environment, fall prevention begins with ourselves.

The easiest way to prevent falls is to improve your strength and balance.

Take the 5-minute balance challenge.

Protect yourself by incorporating a balance routine into your daily exercise. Check out the resources below for ways to improve balance in the privacy of your own home, virtually, or in a class setting.

Be Well. ~Tiffany

Image by Nandhu Kumar from Pixabay