Food Cravings and their Meaning...

Each of us has more than likely had a ‘gut instinct’, experienced ‘butterflies in the stomach’ or might have a ‘nervous stomach’. Feelings are often linked to our digestive tract. In the book, Constant Craving A-Z by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., the author shares, “our gut never fails us; it is we who fail to heed its wisdom and trust its guidance.” Constant Craving A-Z discusses why we crave certain foods, and helps us address behaviors and emotions that can lead to overeating and weight gain.

Remember that there is a difference between a craving related to physical hunger versus an emotional hunger. Physical hunger is more gradual, is patient, is based on what our body needs, and can be satisfied by a variety of foods. Whereas emotional hunger isn’t satisfied, feels urgent, focuses on a certain food, and begins in the mouth and the mind.

I purchased Constant Craving A-Z in 1999 and found it to be an invaluable resource as a Health Educator and Wellness Coach. The insights offered also shed light on primary emotions that led to my own emotional eating patterns. In working with others I found that the A-Z guide of common foods alongside their root cause was rarely if ever inaccurate. Clients I work with have been fascinated as I look up the food they craved, read to them the probable meaning behind the craving, and then together we would read the suggested affirmation to address the unmet emotional need prompting the craving. For example, I love popcorn and could probably eat it daily for the rest of my life without getting tired of it…though my stomach, waist line, and colon would probably tell me otherwise. I read the probable meaning of a popcorn craving, “Procrastinating over starting a project because of fears of failure.” This message rings true for me since beyond a normal desire for popcorn once in awhile just because I am going to the movies is entirely different than when I feel an urgent craving for popcorn. These are times when I have been overwhelmed with work, juggling college classes plus an extra part-time job plus raising my son. The affirmation offered in response to craving popcorn? It reads, “If it’s going to be, it’s up to me. I trust, and I push myself when necessary.”

The tools and resources offered in Constant Craving A-Z have been very helpful for me. Thank you Doreen, this is a terrific book. I especially appreciate the 5 Steps to Reducing Emotional Hunger, such as giving yourself a 15-minute cooling-off period to ensure you are truly physically hungry for a food or whether it’s an emotional craving. Another step to tame mouth hunger is by brushing your teeth or drinking a large glass of water. Check out this worthy read if you or someone you love is experiencing emotional eating.

Be Well. ~Tiffany