What exactly is Guided Imagery? An expert defines this method as, “a gentle but powerful technique that focuses the imagination in proactive, positive ways.” Follow the preceding link and you’ll have an opportunity to sample an audio clip and learn more about this impactful resource. My own experience with Guided Imagery has been life-changing. I’ve used this method for decades to help me better manage stress, to improve my quality of sleep, and as a recovery tool after surgery.
Our mind is a powerful tool. During meditation, brain waves move into a relaxed state. Guided imagery provides a script to direct your thoughts in a positive way. When you recall a pleasurable event such as a favorite vacation or a wonderful meal, how many senses are awakened in you? Can you picture the setting, evoke certain smells, and even recall vividly how something tasted? Both guided imagery and meditation harness your mind’s abilities and can help with pain relief, stress management, and restorative sleep. Using these techniques for pain management is an affordable option. They have no side effects, co-pays or restrictions, and with the use of a CD,download, or audio files, you can access them anywhere you have space to sit or lie down quietly.
- Excerpt from Butternut to Bionic: A Resource Guide for Hip Replacement Surgery, Chapter 4, Pain Management, pg. 74. by Tiffany Anderson, LMT, RMT, BS, CHES
Read more about Guided Imagery and the woman who pioneered this work in clinical settings. Belleruth Naparstek, LCSW first introduced personalized audio cassettes for cancer patients in 1987 that offered remarkable results.
Be Well. ~Tiffany