Meditations with Mickey: How it all began...

Meditations with Mickey

I share a sneak peek into my dreams. Disneyland isn’t just a destination for me; it’s a passion, a hobby, and a lifestyle.

My Disney dreams help me to achieve more, live more fully, and fills me with joy...what inspires you?


My first trip to Disneyland was in 1971…I was 6 years old. A black and white photograph shows me as a smitten youngster beaming in front of Sleeping Beauty's castle.

My fascination with Mickey and all things Disney began that day. Wonder and awe surrounding this magical place began my lifelong 'Meditations with Mickey' - whenever I felt blue, lonely, or under the weather I would daydream about the mouse and his house.

Be Well! ~Tiffany

Accelerated Healing With Cell Salts...

How did I first learn about the importance of this supplement? Both my Naturopath, Dr. Leslie Peterson, and homeopath, David R. Card, stressed the importance of ingesting cell salts for better health. According to Card, “Cell salts, also known as tissue salts, exist in every human body. They are the inorganic biochemical elements found in the blood and tissue. They are the builders and the catalysts for many processes, including assimilation and detoxification.” Cell salts were a crucial part of my recovery after each of my hip replacement surgeries. In my resource guide I describe the supplemental support I used (pg 36) post surgery as prescribed by my physician. This support included the homeopathic Hyland’s Bioplasma cell salts to stimulate my body’s natural healing mechanisms and to satisfy any mineral imbalances. Daily cell salt supplementation is part of my daily nutrient routine and can be purchased directly from Hyland.

There are a number of cell salt combinations you can put together to support the specific needs of your body. These salts provide tools the body needs for healing. An easy to read introduction to cell salts has been written by David R. Card, homeopath and nutritionist. Check out the pocket guide, 12 Essential Minerals for Cellular Health, to learn more about both the internal and external therapeutic uses of cell salts.

Be Well! ~Tiffany


Gluttony and Sloth...a Seductive, Destructive Duo

Of the seven deadly sins, gluttony and sloth are two that can be found in the stereotypical American lifestyle. In our Western world of excess and abundance, having more and wanting more is encouraged, glorified, and too often…justified. Gluttony and sloth are both the lowest forms of destructive lifestyle behaviors. Gorging demonstrates signs of dietary disorders such as binge eating and food addiction. Sloth is the apathy, despair, and reluctance to make a move in one’s life. Sloth arrives when we are depressed, have given up, or lack self esteem.

Diseases of excess are the result of gluttony and sloth. These include illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and physical conditions like arthritis and obesity. The seduction of gluttony begins in the mouth as our taste buds are tantalized with fatty, salty, and sugary foods. And did you realize that the brain is altered when we ingest overly processed food? Sugar can light up and impact our brain just like cocaine, since both sugar and cocaine use floods the bloodstream with dopamine. Sugar also makes the blood sticky and can contribute to heart disease and type II diabetes.

Sloth lures us to apathy…we are sedentary too often, and this allows our muscles to atrophy. When we stop challenging our bodies with movement we enter a destructive cycle of weakness, fatigue, and sloth can lead to bone loss.

If you’ve been drawn into a dangerous relationship with gluttony and sloth, how do you break up? Self-care, behavioral therapy, time in nature, exercise, acupuncture, meditation, and a lengthy, honest conversation with your physician are just a few of the ways to address and rid yourself of this destructive duo. Gluttony and sloth are considered deadly sins for good reason. Say goodbye to these two and improve your quality of life.

Visit Anderson Therapeutics where you can access our FREE 3 Key Concepts to Improved Health. On our site you’ll learn how to Soothe, Nourish, and Rest.

We invite you to Live Well and Be Well.

~Tiffany Anderson, LMT, RMT, BS, CHES

Image by Prawny from Pixabay

Age Well - Exercise Every Single Day

Our bodies are designed to move! The keys to longevity and aging well are to fuel your body with high quality food, receive adequate rest daily, and move your body with some form of fitness every single day. Keep it simple and uncomplicated!

Choose a form of exercise that you enjoy, that challenges you, and one that fits your current level of fitness. Limited mobility? Try seated exercise such as chair aerobics. No gym? Use YouTube to stream a wide variety of exercise videos suitable for every age and ability level. New to exercise? Begin with gentle stretching, walking, or check out water aerobics!

Prior to the pandemic I worked out daily at the gym, beginning with a warm up on the treadmill or elliptical and strength trained 3 times per week. Amid the shut downs I discovered Fabulous50s via YouTube and am hooked! Luckily, my living room has ample space for cardio routines, a mini elliptical, and a set of free weights for strength training days. Below is one of my favorite Fabulous50s routines combining both cardio and balance.

Be Well and Keep Moving! ~Tiffany

Joint Replacement Success!

Now through December 31, 2023 readers can receive a DISCOUNTED ELECTRONIC COPY of a resource guide for joint replacement recipients, their caregivers, and healthcare providers. Read on to learn more about this valuable book…

Butternut to Bionic earned 4/4 star reviews from GoodReads and is listed as, “highly recommended reading” by Reader Views. This resource guide was nominated for the 2018 AARP Purpose Prize, 2018 Health Literacy Award, and the 2019/2020 Reader Views Literary Award.

Amazon reviewers like Lynn L., Registered Nurse states, This book belongs in every doctor’s office. Every patient’s home.” Naturopath Physician Dr. Leslie P. commented, “Even though it is specific for those going through hip replacement, her advice is relevant for most any type of surgery.

Butternut to Bionic is a story of personal triumph AND a resource guide unlike others. Why? Simply because the conversational style of the book discusses how to incorporate alternative therapies into preparation for, and recovery from, joint replacement surgery. Alternative therapies such as Acupuncture, Reiki, Therapeutic Massage, Dietary Therapy, and Aromatherapy are widely used by patients during recovery from surgery but are topics not often addressed with their physician…though they should be. Butternut to Bionic introduces readers to author Tiffany Anderson and her personal experience of recovery from serious illness leading to dual hip replacement. Personal anecdotes, candid observations, and private details add to the unique approach of this guide. Drawing on her 22+ years of professional experience in the field of health, she has written this book from the patient’s perspective to help others facing similar circumstance. Hip and knee replacement recipients, family members, caregivers, and healthcare providers will find this book intriguing, insightful, and useful. A companion website shares FREE wellness resources and a weekly health blog. Get your copy of this guide in paperback, e-book, or on Kindle here!

Happy New Year!

The Anderson Therapeutics Team

Lift Your Mood with Light Therapy...

Courtesy of the Mayo Clinic…

Want to flip the switch on feeling down during the winter months? Dr. Craig Sawchuk suggests giving light therapy a try. Light therapy is thought to affect brain chemicals linked to mood and sleep, easing symptoms of seasonal affective disorder. Dr. Sawchuk recommends using a 10,000-lux light within the first hour of waking up for about 20 minutes. Continue light therapy into the spring or whenever your mood starts to naturally improve.

Be Well. ~Tiffany

Asian Squats - Your Must Do Movement for 2023!

An Asian squat is a movement first introduced to me by Schellea Fowler of Fabulous50s. This is a challenging position and took some time for me to master. The health benefits are numerous, and most importantly, the muscle strength involved when you are able to sit in an Asian Squat improves balance and helps me to protect my artificial joints!

If you only master one health routine in 2023 - make it an Asian Squat!

The videos below will introduce you to an Asian Squat and how to master this healthful movement!

Be Well. ~Tiffany

Image by 🆓 Use at your Ease 👌🏼 from Pixabay