Reducing Inflammation Quickly and Effectively...

Inflammation is a protective response. This response is how our body fights off things that are harmful, such as infection, injuries, and toxins. In many ways, inflammation is an attempt to heal, though chronic inflammation occurs when our body is in a constant state of distress. When we are injured, acute inflammation we might experience it as redness or swelling, whereas chronic inflammation displays a wide variety of symptoms such as fatigue, rashes, fever, and abdominal pain*. To best manage inflammation, recognize the source and respond accordingly as per your doctor’s orders. There are four lifestyle factors that are linked to chronic inflammation, and these factors are entirely within our control, they are:

  • Smoking

  • Obesity

  • Alcohol

  • Chronic Stress

To reduce inflammation caused by these factors, begin by incorporating healthy lifestyle behaviors and reducing additional factors that are within your control. Stop or reduce alcohol intake, avoid tobacco, lose weight, and find ways to better manage stress. If your inflammation is mostly caused by a specific condition, speak to your doctor and discuss ways you can manage your symptoms. Here are ten cases of severe, mostly Rheumatoid arthritic conditions that were cured by diet.

Educate yourself, knowledge is power. This article may help you…Inflammation 101.

Also, invest time in movement. Moderate exercise (for 20 minutes) has also been shown to reduce inflammation, learn how. Consider home remedies such as apple cider vinegar tonics. Personally, an ACV tonic works wonders for me because when I feel inflammation…I first look to my actions, behaviors, and lifestyle factors that may have caused the inflammation. I am in charge of my health, I choose my behaviors, I choose the foods that I eat, and I also accept the consequences of those choices.

Remember, this advice is not designed to replace professional care, check with your doctor before implementing any method or making any changes that impact your health.

Be Well. ~Tiffany Anderson, LMT, RMT, BS, CHES


Post first shared January 21, 2021

 Spring has Sprung! New Offerings Ahead to Support Your Wellness Journey…

 Welcome to Spring 2022! New Offerings From Anderson Therapeutics Will Be Announced Soon. Here’s a Peek…

Mentoring - Patient Advocacy In Action - Monthly Distance Reiki Healing Sessions - Community Service Projects

Updates and details coming April 30, 2022.

Our 2022 New Year Wellness Plan Led to Accomplishments, Adventures, and Aha Moments.

We are humbled and grateful for lessons learned, opportunities shared, and partnerships made.

Health and wellness resources continue to be shared freely at Anderson Therapeutics…the gift is in the giving. Watch for the upcoming 2022 World Carers Conversation taking place virtually on May 19, 2022. Our Founder, Tiffany Anderson, submitted two proposals on March 13, 2022 to present at this transformative and healing conference. Additional caring and sharing events are taking place in April for Anderson Therapeutics in Clark County, Nevada and Peach Tree, Arizona. Find details on our Live Event page, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

Visit Anderson Therapeutics and Watch Our Virtual Space Evolve.

Are you on a wellness journey? Join us as we continue to practice what we preach…

3 Key Concepts to Improved Health: Soothe, Nourish, Rest

Be Well. ~The Anderson Therapeutics Team

Source: Image by Ronny Overhate from Pixabay

Your Guide to, "Spring Into Wellness." Help is Here...

As a health coach I have often been asked, “What do you do to stay healthy?

While teaching Nutrition at a local community college I was often asked, “What should I eat to lose weight and feel better?

As an alternative healthcare provider I have heard this question often, “What should I do to relieve my pain?

As a patient advocate I hear, “How do you stay motivated to manage chronic disease?

And as a mature woman living with joint replacement I am asked, “How do you stay so fit at your age?

To each of these questions I can certainly offer my experience and expertise. Though the most important question is…What hasn’t worked for you and what haven’t you tried? I know myself better than anyone - you know yourself better than I do. Advocacy, education, and coaching is about empowering another to find their own way. When I speak to someone about health and wellness I often hear them answer their own questions and happily point out that they already know the answer.

Practicing what I preach is an evolving process that has changed over time and has been modified based upon my age, abilities, lifestyle, culture, and community. The photo of Anderson Avenue shared with this post represents a personal journey…the road I have traveled that may or may not align with the road you travel along. In conversation, what we learn about one another can offer insights, guidance, and resources to either draw upon and incorporate into our own life or respect and disregard the choices of another, simply by realizing that what works for one person doesn’t always work for another.

Spring into Wellness this season by investing in the self-care that YOU enjoy AND offer the results you seek. A coach, a mentor, or a guide may be the one to help you find the way…however, I encourage you to look in the mirror first.

Do you already know the answer to your own health related question? If not, then by all means…consult an expert and consider their advice. Here is mine…

  • I enjoy exercising every morning - would you enjoy that practice? Maybe, maybe not. Daily fitness has been part of my life since childhood - this was called ‘play’. As I got older, I participated in many sports such as basketball, volleyball, track, rode a bicycle often, danced, and have always felt better when I move and move often. This works for me.

  • I enjoy meditating and reading every morning long before dawn - would you enjoy that practice? Maybe, maybe not. Reading and spending time in quiet meditation and pray every morning centers my mind and prepares me for the day - this works for me.

  • I enjoy going to bed early most nights, around 8:30 or 9:00pm - would that work for you? Maybe, maybe not. I tire easily in the evening at this stage in my life, and feel most energized early in the day - this works for me.

  • I have learned to embrace and enjoy eating a whole food plant-based oil free diet - would that type of meal plan interest you? Maybe, maybe not. Since discovering The Starch Solution and adopting this lifestyle the health benefits I have experienced astonish me and my medical team. My physician considers me to be a medical miracle and I am honored that my success story has been shared and recognized as a Star McDougaller.

  • I avoid alcohol, have never used tobacco, minimize my use of caffeine, and feel best when I avoid or at least minimize my intake of refined foods - would that work for you? I have tried many vices as an adult and came to the conclusion that alcohol is fattening, expensive, and leads many people to making an ass out of themselves - I haven’t drank alcohol since my 20’s and feel that I am missing out absolutely nothing. I have no problem enjoying life without alcohol. Tobacco stinks and led to childhood asthma since my parents are heavy smokers - that product was easy to avoid once I turned 18 and moved away from home. I am grateful that smoking has become restricted in most public places since I enjoy being able to breathe. Caffeine has been a tricky beast - I absolutely love the taste, smell, and ritual of coffee. I now choose to enjoy green and black tea in moderation and gave up soda long ago. Coffee has stained my teeth, led to high blood pressure, and certainly wasn’t good for my bone health. Saying goodbye to coffee has been a process and I feel best when I focus on my beverage of choice…water.

Each of us are unique - the lifestyle I lead today isn’t the lifestyle i practiced 10 years ago or 15 years ago or 20 years ago. I have modified my wellness routine to fit the life of a woman in her late 50’s who has artificial joints, is post menopausal, has asthma, Hashimoto’s disease, and currently on the third day of a shingle flare on my right leg. Managing my conditions is how I care for myself and improve my quality of life day by day. These acts aren’t work…nor do I consider them to be a chore…my healthy lifestyle is a demonstration of self-love and self-respect. Are you giving yourself the care, respect, and attention that you seek?

I love my life, adore my grown son and grand kitty, enjoy a wide variety of hobbies, care for many people, and am dedicated to the evolving process of better managing my own health and well being.

The 3 Key Concepts to Improved Health discussed at my website offer three broad topics that you can then narrow to fit your life, your needs, and your specific healthcare concerns. Visit Anderson Therapeutics - the resources I freely share have worked for me and they may work for you or someone you care for. Help is nearby - seek out the help you need, that is…if you don’t already know the answer.

Be Well. ~Tiffany Anderson, LMT, RMT, BS, CHES

Founder, Anderson Therapeutics

Protecting Your Heart - 3 Key Concepts that Can Help...

Heart disease is something that our Founder (Tiffany Anderson) can relate to. Healing and recovering from a variety of illnesses alongside 3 life changing surgeries was only part of her health journey. Practicing prevention and disease management are what keeps her moving forward…the team at Anderson Therapeutics, clients, readers, and colleagues have chosen to follow that path as well.

The heart is a crucial organ that demands our attention with every beat. Are you listening and responding to the needs of your own heart? Protecting and caring for our hearts is a personal responsibility, and an ongoing process to maintain a pulse…especially for those of us who are managing chronic illness and/or living with artificial joints.

Day by day we do our best to stay well.

The team of Anderson Therapeutics welcomes much needed snow in the Salt Lake valley today. Tiffany lives with asthma, and a snowy day clears our polluted air and offers relief to lungs that often feel heavy and congested. Remember, our heart is cradled and nestled between the lungs. Each of these organs plays an important role in our circulatory and respiratory systems.

What are your specific health needs?

Collectively, our daily heart health practices align with Anderson Therapeutics 3 Key Concepts to Improved Health. And while this advice is not a substitute for medical care, we invite you to investigate these options, speak to your physician, and consider implementing one or more of the FREE resources, tips, and techniques shared on our website into your wellness routine.

Here’s an example of what works for us…

Soothe - Morning meditation and prayer is a delightful, humbling, and therapeutic way to start the day. Research abounds on this subject. By following this practice we help to lower our blood pressure, better manage stress, grieve more fully, and by starting the day this way…we are able to channel our attention on the task at hand once the workday begins. A calm and peaceful mind is a focused and non-reactive mind.

Nourish - Our bodies ask for quality fuel in order to function well. Nutritious wholesome food = quality fuel in our lives. The meal plan that works best for us are the dietary guidelines established by Dr. John McDougall and his wife Mary McDougall. The Starch Solution offered our Founder a new lease on life…Tiffany shared her experience and success story which was published on Dr. McDougall’s website and within the book, Butternut to Bionic: A Resource Guide for Hip Replacement Surgery. Every food and beverage consumed has a consequence - if we make a poor choice, we feel rotten. We choose food designed to heal and strengthen our bodies rather than harm them. This is a personal choice and one that we have embraced.

Heart health truly begins at the tip of your fork, and it is never too late to release poor dietary habits. We have…how about you?

Rest - In order to sleep more soundly, we choose daily moderate exercise which helps to better manage depression, can minimize the need for sleep medication, strengthens the lungs (important for sleep apnea sufferers), and promotes bone health which reduces those pesky leg cramps.

Movement is an important part of our sleep hygiene, moderation is the key since over-exertion can lead to sleep deprivation. Our bodies seek consistency in regards to health habits - take care of yourself, be kind, and show compassion to yourself and others.

Your health and well being is well worth your time and attention.

Be Well. ~The Anderson Therapeutics Team

Praying for Peace...

Ours hearts and prayers are with those who are suffering, facing bullies in the world, and standing up to tyranny.

Pray for miracles, pray for peace, and stay true to the belief that healing is not only possible…it is within our grasp.

Be Well. ~The Anderson Therapeutics Team

New Resource in SLC - Helping Us to Soothe, Nourish, and Rest

The long holiday weekend offered outdoor adventures on Antelope Island State Park during a vigil and poetry reading that paid tribute to the Great Salt Lake. On the island Tiffany connected with old friends like Nan Seymour of River Writing, and made a new friend on Monday…Amber at Ahhhsome Relaxation in West Jordan, Utah. Join us in welcoming a new partner in town that celebrates health and well-being!

The promotion and practice of self-care is what we do at Anderson Therapeutics. Our 3 Key Concepts to Improved Health are to Soothe, Nourish, and Rest. At Ahhhsome Relaxation…you can practice all three of these concepts during the same visit! Our Founder, Tiffany Anderson, enjoyed the following during her visit on President’s Day…

Soothe - The journey began with exposure to kinetically activated dry salt in a private room. This is the 30-minute Halotherapy session; a method ideal for those experiencing asthma. Tiffany napped in the zero gravity chair, inhaling the salt, and basked in green light therapy.

Nourish - Snacks and hydration are highly encouraged at Ahhhsome Relaxation. While some foods and beverages are available for purchase…guests are invited to bring their own food to enjoy in the quiet space located in the locker room. Tiffany, as always, had a roasted potato on hand for energy and on-the-go nutrition. Remember…our team follows a whole food plant-based oil free meal plan and are starchivores to the core!

Rest - The journey continued with a 15-minute foot treatment, warmth and negative ion therapy in another zero gravity chair, and the visit closed with a full body stretch on the Serenity Chair. The staff are kind and the space is welcoming, beautiful, and extremely sanitary.

This information and advice is not a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. Take what is useful, investigate these options, and speak to your doctor before incorporating something new into your personal wellness plan.

Our insights and feedback…Ahhhsome Relaxation offers convenience and 24/7 access to a quiet, therapeutic space to de-stress and unwind. Their partner location in Ammon, Idaho is where Tiffany first encountered their services and highly recommends Halotherapy...research this method, then experience it for yourself and let us know what you think. Tiffany left the room feeling lighter, energized, and peaceful. Can’t we all use a little more of that?

At Anderson Therapeutics, all staff invest their time, energy, and attention employing a variety of self-care methods and will be enjoying Ahhhsome Relaxation often! This space is a complement to our current practices of receiving regular therapeutic massage, Reiki treatments, acupuncture, morning meditation, exercising daily, and eating a wholesome diet. We look forward to this partnership and welcome them to the Salt Lake valley.

The West Jordan, Utah location of Ahhhsome Relaxation is about to celebrate their Grand Opening - mention Tiffany’s name and ask for Amber if you visit…their organization relies on referrals to expand their business much like we do. Visit soon and take advantage of the ‘Founder’s Day’ special to get the most for your money. We support locally women owned businesses and have written this blog and post freely in order to share the information with you. Meaning…no, we were not paid to say any of this! :)

Be Well. ~The Anderson Therapeutics Team

*Image shared by permission of the Ahhhsome Relaxation management team and staff.

A Little Hibernation is Good for the Mind - Michaela Chung

Soothe, Nourish, and Rest in 2022.

We invite you to join us and become a more active participant in your journey to improved health.

The year of 2022 holds promise and hope. A period of hibernation, quiet, and reflection are in store for Anderson Therapeutics. The resources shared in the final Thirsty Thursday blog post of 2021 describes a few of the tools that we will incorporate into our 2022 Wellness Plan - each of these resources are free. Investigate these options, take what is useful, and leave behind what is not. We feel that is the beauty of choice as we continue our journey to improved health…the team of Anderson Therapeutics do our best to practice what we preach and accept the consequences of our behaviors. See you in spring.

Best wishes for the New Year, ~The Anderson Therapeutics Team

*The advice shared on this site and within our Thirsty Thursday wellness blog is not meant to replace medical care.

Always speak to your physician before making any changes that can impact your health.

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay