Attitude of Gratitude - Fabulous50s, Thank you Schellea!

On June 1st, 2022 I sent the content below to Schellea Fowler via her website, Scheallea created and produces the content for Fabulous50s. Finding her videos amid the pandemic has made a significant difference in my mental and physical health. Check out her workouts that are offered freely online…they are terrific, effective, and challenging but doable routines that can be modified for nearly every fitness level.

Expressing an attitude of gratitude is helpful in a number of ways…who are you grateful for in your own life, and, have you told them exactly what you are grateful for? Warm your heart and warm the heart of another by reaching out and telling them.

Be Well. ~Tiffany


Hello Schellea! Guess what? I am feeling good first and looking good second thanks to finding your videos amid the COVID many others, I lost my job and even began losing loved ones before the closures in the U.S. due to political strife and then later to illness. My own background in Health Education has served me well over the years, though I found myself overwhelmed when everything shut down, I was unemployed, a mature empty nester living alone, and then my hometown of Salt Lake City, Utah experienced an earthquake! I believe I experienced a mini nervous breakdown at that was scary and life changed dramatically for everyone. Needless to say, I put on some weight in 2020 and felt very depressed. In 2021, I was climbing out of the mire and working as a Contact Tracer for the local health department and making peace with a very solitary lifestyle, working virtually 50-60 hours per week. Thanks to a random Google search I found your website and workout routines...I have been hooked daily ever since!


Your kind words, energetic spirit, and warmth shines through my television screen every morning. I have smiled more often, danced in my living room, and shed a few more humble/grateful tears since I began working out with you in cyberspace. Thank you, thank you, thank you. The extra twelve pounds that I gained was very significant for me since I have been living with artificial hips for over 10 years and my life pre-COVID was that of an alternative healthcare provider, a writer, Massage Therapist, and Reiki Master...I felt I was living a dream life and practicing what I preached to age well and maintain a lean weight to protect my joints and slow the progression of arthritis.


COVID brought about many lifestyle changes for me - in 2021 when I began working out with you my grown son and I made plans to travel to Disneyland to celebrate Thanksgiving. I could tell that the working out with you increased my stamina, though I still needed to shed a few more pounds to decrease the inflammation and pain I felt on my joints. The next celebration trip took place this April when I visited the Grand Canyon Skywalk for the very first time on my 57th birthday. I traveled to that area partly for work...I published a resource guide for hip replacement recipients 5 years ago and was marketing my book in Clark County, Nevada...I also have made it a goal to visit somewhere new every birthday as a treat for myself. In 2022 I had bumped up my fitness routine by working out with you 1-3 times per day as well as walking daily, stretching, and strength training 2-3 times per week. On April 1, 2022 (yes, I am an April Fool baby) I stood on the Grand Canyon Skywalk 12 pounds lighter and finally reached my pre-pandemic weight of 134 lbs. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you. I encourage everyone I know to tune into your website and YouTube videos and have shared the information on my own website ( and wellness blog.


The best part of your workouts for me is that I can easily modify your workout around the movement restrictions I have. You see, with posterior dual hip replacement there are a number of ways that I cannot move since certain motions place me at a higher risk for dislocation. Those movements are no bending past 90 degrees, caution when twisting unless I twist the whole body - carefully, and avoiding crossing the center line with my lower body. Receiving artificial hips was another dramatic change to my life - I became bionic at age 46 after a series of bizarre medical conditions that left me with questions and a lot of debt. At the encouragement of my medical team in 2011, I put my writing and Health Education skills to work and produced the book, Butternut to Bionic: A Resource Guide to Hip Replacement Surgery. This July, my book celebrates 5 years in publication and I feel I am thriving with joint replacement and now have another health professional on my team...that person is you!


In gratitude for all I have experienced, I am giving away electronic copies of my book for 5 days via Amazon, on July 11-July 15. While it was written for a Western audience, the recovery tips that continue to work for me align with your own approach to health and might interest you. I would gladly send you a signed paperback copy to show my appreciation and gratitude.


Here's a link to a picture of me standing on the Grand Canyon Skywalk in April - feeling lighter, stronger, determined, and grateful. I'll keep on watching you and will see you tomorrow for another workout.


Best in health,

Tiffany Anderson, LMT, RMT, BS, CHES

Founder, Anderson Therapeutics

Check out this workout! This is one of the many fitness videos created by Schellea Fowler that I enjoy on a daily basis.