Receive a Complimentary Distance Reiki Healing Session: June 14th...

Full Moon Reiki Distance Healing

Reiki practiced during the full moon helps to release energy and blockages. Join our Founder energetically during the peak of the full moon using the breathe and relaxing as we imagine the moon taking the energy of Reiki back and converting it for the highest good.

On June 14th 5:52 PM 6:52 PM MST, you are invited to receive a complimentary Distance Reiki Healing Session. Here’s how you can participate…simply set your intention - relax and focus on your breathing - enjoy the experience. Distance Reiki Healing Sessions will last for one hour. Take a nap, meditate, work, or just go about your typical routine. Reiki is a gift that can do no harm. Learn more about the healing art and history of Reiki here.

Visit the Live Event calendar for dates and times.

Do you have a specific or personalized request?

Mail your written request for a personal Distance Reiki Healing Session to Anderson Therapeutics P.O. Box 528, Midvale, UT 84047

Why write?…placing pen or pencil to paper sets your intention, personalizes the request, and generates more energy. Simply list the name of the person you would like Tiffany to send Reiki to along with the illness or situation you are concerned about. Tiffany may also be contacted via LinkedIn, Facebook, or by email: Donations are kindly appreciated.

Tiffany Anderson is a Reiki Master Teacher and has attained initiation and knowledge in the Reiki Method of Natural Healing and has demonstrated proficiency in administering hands on transmutation of disease through universal light energy transmission. The title and all rights of Reiki Master Teacher were granted by Dr. Carol A. Wilson on August 9, 2009.

Be Well. ~The Anderson Therapeutics Team

    Dr. Mikao Usui
    Dr. Chujiro Hayashi
    Hawayo Takata
    Virginia Samdahl
    Dr. Larry Rosencrans
    Dr. Carol A. Wilson
    Tiffany Anderson

Image by Bettina Dohse from Pixabay