A Month Long Tribute to Marvelous Mentors. First...

During the month of May, Anderson Therapeutics’s Founder will continue the focus on social health by paying tribute to some of the many mentors who have helped to shape her life. Some of those mentors are near and dear to Tiffany, while others are distant and may not realize the impact they have had on our Founder. Whether they mentored her by encouragement, or by role modeling, or simply by sharing their gifts and talents, each of these individuals holds a strong presence in Tiffany’s life.

We honor these mentors alongside Tiffany, and know that within each of us is both a mentor and a mentee.

~The Anderson Therapeutics Team

While taking a long walk this morning, I was struck with a humbling moment of gratitude as I reflected on those who have touched my life. This led me to the idea of writing a daily post as a further way to express this attitude of gratitude.

If these insights interest you, I challenge you to think about those who have mentored or are currently mentoring you - if they are still living, reach out and express your thanks. If they have passed on, send them your wishes during quiet time in meditation or prayer.

First on my list…I choose to honor my mother and grandmothers who I rely on for my existence. These women are the bloodline and genetics of how I came to be. I thank my mother for giving me life, and I thank my grandmothers for offering a dual presence of both dark and light. These three women endured great hardship at the hands and harsh words of alcoholics, brutes, womanizers, and helped me to understand the power and strength of independence, feminism, and education. Watching their pain, submission, and loss throughout my childhood/adulthood led me to strive for a life of freedom and to celebrate all stages of womanhood, such as the stage I live in now…which is Crone stage.

A post-menopausal woman in my family line was mostly rejected, ridiculed, belittled, and criticized. I have stepped away from toxic relationships and rid myself of the outdated standards of a woman needing a man. I honor the women in my family who are still caught in a toxic web of dysfunctional relationships…I send them Reiki, my love. and wishes that they too can set themselves free. My maternal Grandma Ann, now deceased, urged me decades ago to retain my freedom after I experienced a messy divorce, telling me that she envied me, begged me to never remarry, and sadly shared that she saw no way out of her own destructive second marriage.

I have kept my promise, and after many trials and tribulations, have learned that I prefer my own company, am soul-partnered, and respect who I am…which is a woman enjoying falling in love with herself. This is something that the women who raised me did not experience. Tragedy offers valuable life lessons, and a role model isn’t necessarily one who demonstrates positive behavior. Learning from adversity has it’s own benefits.

Be Well. ~Tiffany

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