Reiki, a Healing Art...

Reiki is a Japanese word meaning universal life energy.

This gentle, non-intrusive method can alleviate pain and stress. Reiki practitioners use little to no pressure and follow a series of hand positions on or slightly above the head, shoulders, back, chest, stomach, and limbs. This technique is adaptable to nearly any setting such as hospital bed or chair, and through bandages.

“During my health crisis, medications failed and diagnostic procedures nearly bankrupted me. For relief I turned to nutrition, meditation, prayer, Reiki, and acupuncture during what I believed were my final days. Through those methods, I found healing and pain management. Reiki and a plant-based diet rejuvenated my liver and calmed my heart. Through a regular Reiki practice my health improved and freed me from many medications.”

Excerpt from Butternut to Bionic: A Resource Guide for Hip Replacement Surgery, written by — Tiffany Anderson, LMT, RMT, BS, CHES

Read more about the origin, history, and health benefits of Reiki, here.

Note: While our Founder is temporarily suspending all Reiki, Health Coaching, and Therapeutic Bodywork services due to the pandemic, you can find a qualified Reiki practitioner using this search tool from the International Association for Reiki Professionals.

Be Well. ~The Anderson Therapeutics Team