Butternut to Bionic: A Resource Guide for Hip Replacement Surgery
An insightful book written from the patient’s perspective.
Abstract as submitted to The Institute for Healthcare Advancement :
Project Outcomes
Butternut to Bionic: A Resource Guide for Hip Replacement Surgery was published on July 11, 2017 and has reached thousands of readers in 46 countries. Donated copies have been distributed to rehabilitation clinics, a national acupuncture cooperative (POCA), individual acupuncture clinics/practitioners, physicians, registered nurses, physical therapists, orthopedic surgeons, non-profit lending libraries, and senior centers.
Tiffany Anderson, founder of Anderson Therapeutics and author of Butternut to Bionic states, “Prior to surgery and long after hip replacement, our bodies require a high degree of ongoing maintenance and care if we wish to remain active and do our best to avoid future surgeries. Orthopedic surgeons know that hip replacements are one of their most commonly performed surgeries and are making strides to help each recipient succeed and live well with their new bionic parts. With support and education, I feel that hip replacement recipients can heal, make peace with the equipment designed to help them, and participate fully in their recovery in order to live as well as they are able.” Expanding distribution and increased readership to serve joint replacement recipients, their families, caretakers, and healthcare providers are the ongoing goals of this project.
Disclosure: Butternut to Bionic, and the companion website (www.butternuttobionic.com) are self-funded entities, earning the author and founder no profits. Any and all royalties are applied to donation and distribution efforts.
"Anderson uses her knowledge to provide readers with extensive, yet concise information that includes resources, suggestions and a checklist for people who are either going through hip replacement or assisting someone going through the process. This is highly recommended reading." -Paige Lovitt for Reader Views
"This book is a must-read for anyone facing major surgery or those interested in improving their personal health. The most empowering message from the book is that there is life, health, and hope ahead." - Maria Milligan, Utah Stories
"My favorite feature of the book was the author's comparison of joint replacement to necessary home maintenance. As an avid DIY enthusiast, I found this illustration quite engaging and much more fun to read than a book full of medical jargon. I'm pleased to rate it 4 out of 4 stars." - Official Review Online Book Club
Butternut to Bionic: A Resource Guide for Hip Replacement Surgery is based on research, proven health techniques, and sound advice.
Available on Amazon.
Be Well. ~The Anderson Therapeutics Team