Improve your health and quality of life following these 3 Key Concepts: Soothe - Nourish - and Rest. The FREE tips, resources, and tools offered at Anderson Therapeutics share methods to help you maintain a lean, healthy weight, better manage chronic conditions, reduce pain and inflammation, and sleep more soundly. Interested?
Here’s a preview of what you’ll find at Anderson Therapeutics…
Soothe - reduce and relieve pain utilizing the tips shared in this FREE handout, 4 Proven Methods to Manage Chronic Pain.
Nourish -
Do you want to improve your relationship with food?
Do you want to lose weight and take pressure off your joints, heart, and lungs?
Would you like to decrease inflammation? This can be done with diet alone.
Want to lower your blood pressure, decrease your cholesterol levels, or relieve constipation? Proper nutrition can help.
Learn more about Dr. John McDougall and his free 10-day meal plan that changed the life of our founder for the better. Her miraculous story of recovery is shared in the book, Butternut to Bionic: A Resource Guide to Hip Replacement Surgery.
Rest - Sleep can be a long lost friend for those living with chronic conditions. Long periods of restful sleep may sound like a fanciful dream or the luxury vacation you may never experience – or perhaps you’ve never experienced restful sleep. There are a variety of techniques that can help…without a prescription!
Visit the 3 Key Concepts page at Anderson Therapeutics, click on the Rest tab, and learn how exercise, guided imagery, EFT, music therapy, and nutrition can help you to sleep more soundly.
Be Well. ~The Anderson Therapeutics Team