Forest Bathing. What is it?
The term forest bathing originated in Japan in the mid 1980s as a psychological and physiological exercise known as ‘shinrin-yoku’, which translates to taking in the forest atmosphere. This practice invites you to spend time in nature.
Why Forest Bathe?
In Japan, forest bathing is based on ancient Shinto and Buddhist practices, it is a time to let nature into your body using each of the five senses…seeing, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting. This method came about in response to high levels of stress and an increase in auto-immune disease. Research has demonstrated numerous health benefits of forest bathing that include improved immune function, reduced blood pressure, decrease in anxiety and stress, improved sleep, and can help in managing depression. Forest bathing is practiced globally, studied, and taught as the practice of Forest Therapy.
How to Forest Bathe…
Forest Bathing can be a formal guided event, an activity shared with a friend, or a solo venture. There is no prescription of how it ‘should go’ or ‘what you should expect’. The idea is simply to venture into a natural setting and walk among the trees to experience beneficial organic compounds (phytoncides) that trees emit naturally. Check out this video to learn more.
Be Well. ~Tiffany