Got Toe Woes?

Take a moment and look down towards your own two feet. These amazing appendages support our entire body, keep us upright, and motor us about. How much time and effort do you spend caring for your feet? If you’re like many people…you may neglect your feet and then pay dearly with this lack of self-care. Foot pain, poor posture, and an improper gait are just a few of the problems you may encounter.

Here are a few tips to help you beat the toe woes:

  • Ankle Rolls: Lie on your back with one leg straight, lying flat, and the other leg bent, foot raised, supporting your hamstrings with both hands. Make 20 ankle circles in each direction, then point and flex the toes 20 times. Lower and repeat with the other ankle. Ankle flexibility helps us to maintain balance, prevent falls, and strengthens the lower legs. Too challenging for you? Then try these ankle exercises you can do seated at your desk..

  • Reduce Weight: Extra weight places significant pressure on the joints. In fact, an excess of only five pounds places twenty-five pounds of pressure on our joints. A small amount of weight loss can significantly improve the health of all joints…especially the ankles which supports the weight of our entire body.

  • Play Barefoot. Nerves on the bottom of our feet are more receptive than the nerves of our hands. Provide the extra stimulation feet need by walking barefoot at home and incorporating more barefoot exercise - like Pilates and yoga. Rolling your foot on a ball for five minutes a day stimulates nerves, improves stability, and mobility.

  • Decrease Inflammation: Foot pain related to swelling is typically dietary related. Eat anti-inflammatory foods such as legumes, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. This type of eating also prevents and treats degenerative disorders such as osteoarthritis.

  • Reflexology: Schedule an appointment with a licensed practitioner and experience why reflexology is much more than just a foot massage. A reflexology session can provide pain relief, reduce muscle tension, relieve stress, and improve circulation. Why does reflexology offer relief? Pressure points along the feet correspond to spots on the entire body, making reflexology a very healing and therapeutic modality.

  • Soaking: Make a cocktail for your feet. Use a shallow rectangular container or your tub for a foot soak. Add Epsom salts (1/2 to 1 cup) and either a few drops of peppermint essential oil or add a peppermint tea bag to warm water for a stimulating and regenerative soak. The magnesium sulfate in the Epsom salts relieves muscle soreness and the peppermint invigorates and deodorizes hard working feet. For best results soak feet for at least 10-15 minutes.

Be Well! ~Tiffany Anderson, LMT, RMT, BS, CHES

Founder, Anderson Therapeutics

*An edited version of this post was first published May 16, 2019