Chronic Pain? Manage It With Therapeutic Massage

Over the past 23 years clients have told me how they manage their chronic aches and pains, especially in their back, neck, and shoulders. Those areas of the body are where I am most commonly asked to spend the bulk of my time during a massage session. Given the stereotypical American lifestyle, it’s no wonder these areas are tense since people tend to sit more and move less. The cause of upper body tension is generally related to things like excess stress, poor posture, computer work, lack of sleep, being overweight, and a sedentary lifestyle in general. Sadly, many of my clients are rarely consistent in their efforts to better manage pain and often rely on medication while neglecting the root cause of the problem.

Therapeutic bodywork is an ideal way to treat muscle tension since massage therapy is a specific form of passive stretching. During a massage the circulation of blood and lymph increases, muscles relax, tension around the joints are minimized, and those ‘feel good’ endorphins are released. This is how a massage therapist can relieve ‘knots’ often felt between shoulder blades and above the collar bone. As blood flow increases during a massage, nutrients delivered to the cells is enhanced, swelling is reduced, and blood pressure is lowered. Research suggests that receiving a therapeutic massage at least once every 4-6 weeks can provide long term health benefits. I find that receiving a massage once a month manages my joint and arthritis pain, helps me to relax and feel nurtured, and my skin has a healthy glow. Experience the results for yourself! Contact me for more information and scheduling opportunities.

Be Well! ~Tiffany

“Massage has had a positive effect on every medical condition we've looked at. “ - Tiffany Field, PhD, Director of the Touch Research Institute in Florida

“Massage has had a positive effect on every medical condition we've looked at. “ - Tiffany Field, PhD, Director of the Touch Research Institute in Florida