12 Days of Wellness - Fall Asleep and Stay Asleep

Winter…the perfect season to focus on improving sleep. Dark days and cool temperatures naturally beckon us to a deep state of slumber. Quality sleep is essential for good health, and crucial to those of us who are managing chronic conditions.

For decades I struggled with sleep deprivation. After making a few lifestyle changes I currently experience the best sleep of my life! Check out the Rest section of my 3 Key Concepts; this is where I share resources and tips that help me to fall asleep and stay asleep. Consult your doctor to see if my resources may help you as well. I find that sleeping between 5-7 hours per night is best for me. Here are a few quick tips…

  • Cut down on caffeine - Caffeine is a tough addiction though I feel better and sleep more soundly when I avoid this powerful stimulant. Added bonus is that I no longer experience high blood pressure.

  • Schedule relaxation time - Sleep rituals and nightly routines guide me towards better sleep. This time can be as short as the time it takes to brush your teeth. I wind down using meditation with healing sounds, guided imagery CD’s, and music designed for deep sleep.

  • Eating a small plain baked potato or other fat-free starch an hour or so before bedtime eases anxiety or the blues, provides 100-200 nutrient rich calories, and helps me to sleep more soundly.

Be Well and Sleep Well! ~ Tiffany Anderson, LMT, RMT, BS, CHES

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

This post first published on October 11, 2018.