Rising Up & Moving Forward

Many of us, myself included, faced significant change, transformation, achievements, and challenges in 2017. Wouldn't life be incredibly dull if we did not? Homes were purchased and sold, health faltered or improved, babies were born, and loved ones took their last breath. Relationships began or drifted apart, books were published, and careers took dramatic shifts. When changes are significant they place an enormous amount of stress on our mind, body, and spirit. This stress exacerbates chronic conditions and adds to pain, discomfort, and intensifies the symptoms that need to be managed daily.

How to cope? When life places extreme challenges in your lap, self-care is a priority more than ever. Investment in health is a security that rewards you with high dividends. Even the smallest step...watching less television in the evening to get to bed earlier, consuming more fiber to lose weight and send a message of I love you to your colon, and receiving therapeutic bodywork for touch, healing, and pain management will improve your mood and your health.  Need personalized help? Contact me - tiffany@andersontherapeutics.com.

Be Well! ~ Tiffany
