Soothe Your Spine...

The spine is our support system, helping to keep us upright. Practicing good posture and articulating your spine will help to prevent back pain and minimize existing muscle tension. Staying well hydrated and stretching regularly, even while seated, are simple steps to soothe your spine.

The Yoga pose known as cat/cow is one way to articulate your spine by first rounding your back (mimicking the arched back of a cat), then arching your back (pushing your belly forward as a cow). A formal Yoga class isn't necessary, and most people can safely practice this pose while seated as shown below. Here are two additional tips to soothe your spine...

  • Draw your knees towards your chest. This movement relieves low back pain and tension by lengthening the spine. And also can be performed while seated or lying on your back.

  • Think ergonomics! Place a foot rest under your desk at work. By raising your feet a bit while seated takes pressure off of your low back and improves circulation. A foot rest can be purchased or something as simple as a stack of books, a sturdy box, or nailing a few boards together. The goal is to raise your feet so that your knees are in line with, or a bit higher than your hips.

Be Well! ~ Tiffany

*Blog post first published October 12, 2017

Incorporate this gentle stretch daily. Arch, round, repeat.

Incorporate this gentle stretch daily. Arch, round, repeat.