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Full Moon Reiki Sessions Are Back. Participate for Free!

Reiki practiced during the full moon helps to release energy and blockages. Join me energetically during the peak of the full moon using the breath. Set your intention to participate fully in your health and wellness journey, then relax as we imagine the moon taking the energy of Reiki back and converting it for the highest good. Visit our Live Event page for specific dates and times.

The next full moon is a Supermoon, also known as a Blue Moon as it is the second full moon in August. A blue moon is rare and only happens roughly once every two and a half years.

Contact me to schedule a personalized experience:

For a truly impactful process I invite you to mail your written request for a personal Distance Reiki Healing Session to Anderson Therapeutics P.O. Box 528, Midvale UT 84047.

Why write? Placing pen or pencil to paper sets your intention, personalizes the request, and generates more energy. Simply list the name of the person you would like me to send Reiki to along with the illness or situation you are concerned about. You may also briefly list the details.

Donations are appreciated.

Our team would be happy to learn about the results of your healing experience, so please use the same form of contact to let us know of any improvements or other experiences you have.

Thank you for allowing Anderson Therapeutics to serve you.

Be Well. ~Tiffany