KRCL radio’s program Radioactive introduced me to Chandler Rosenberg, Managing Director of Plant Based Utah.
Early this morning (5:00am to be exact) I reached out to Chandler via email sharing my interest in the organization and wondered how I might partner by offering to donate a signed copy of my book to their organization. I then went about my day and proceeded to enjoy my morning exercise…cardio with Fabulous50s, strength training watching an episode of Fresh Baked on YouTube, and a long walk.
To my surprise, Chandler responded by the time I had finished my fitness routine, accepted my donation offer, and invited me to a potluck luncheon that was taking place that morning! The Universe helped to guide this fortuitous meeting - what a delight for me to meet a large group of people in my hometown who eat the way I do. I enjoyed two large plates of delicious food and look forward to future events. Keep an eye on my blog to learn more about the rice and lentil dish I put together using the items I had on hand.
Be Well. ~Tiffany