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TODAY: Vigil & Poetry Reading - Great Salt Lake Antelope Island State Park

Nan Seymour is a poet and creator of River Writing…a space to foster voice and authentic connection. The name of Nan Seymour can be found on the Acknowledgement page of Butternut to Bionic: A Resource Guide to Hip Replacement Surgery. The day that I first noticed the yellowing of my eyes, the jaundice that began my own medical mystery tour, took place while visiting Antelope Island over a decade ago. Without Nan’s help, encouragement, and writing workshops, my own book may not exist.

Join us today whether you are near or far and participate in this vigil and reading. Without the Great Salt Lake our health and safety are at risk. Let us join together during our legislative session to bring attention to this pressing issue while praising a fragile and highly valuable ecosystem.

Register, the event is FREE - add your own words to the poem - and participate. I haven’t returned to this island since the fateful day of when I became the Butternut of my Bionic life. Today, I return to where the story began and honor a lake I have lived near my entire life. We journey back to move forward, we honor and recognize old wounds, we pray for healing.

Be Well. ~ Tiffany and the Anderson Therapeutics Team

Image - shared via The Guardian