Anderson Therapeutics Invites You to Better Manage Chronic Illness
Apply Our 3 Key Concepts to Improved Health
Our Founder is Author, Educator, and Alternative Healthcare Provider Tiffany Anderson, LMT, RMT, BS, CHES.
Tiffany offers Wellness Coaching & Mentoring Services, Patient Advocacy, and the Healing Art of Reiki
We Invite You to Browse Our FREE Wellness Resources
Download a FREE handout, 4 Proven Methods to Manage Chronic Pain
Tiffany Anderson, LMT, RMT, BS, CHES - Founder and Author
“I believe that everyone and everything we encounter arrives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. I am certain that everyone, to the best of their ability, can manage chronic conditions with dignity and grace. Anderson Therapeutics and the book, Butternut to Bionic: A Resource Guide for Hip Replacement Surgery exist to inspire and empower others to improve their quality of life. This website and resource guide offers patient advocacy, empowerment, and encourages personal accountability. Education and professional experience has enabled me to survive life-threatening illness and return to an active lifestyle. As an author, educator, health coach, alternative healthcare provider, caregiver, and patient, I practice what I preach and share my 3 key concepts to Live Well & Be Well.”
*The advice shared on this site are not meant to replace medical care. Always speak to your physician before making any changes that can impact your health.
Happenings and Updates…
I invite you to partner with me...check my weekly blog for wellness tips, connect on LinkedIn, and browse resources. Welcome!
Tiffany Anderson, LMT, RMT, BS, CHES
FOUNDER of Anderson Therapeutics & AUTHOR
Butternut to Bionic: A Resource Guide for Hip Replacement Surgery
Disclosure: Butternut to Bionic, and the companion website ( are self-funded entities. Any and all royalties are applied to maintaining the FREE resources and information provided on this website as well as book donations and distribution efforts.
Photo taken June 2017 at Booked on 25th, Author Event in Ogden, UT
“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive,
and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor and some style.”
—Maya Angelou”
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Visiting My Website .....
My personal health journey is called Butternut to Bionic, it is a tale about recovery from illness, life with artificial hips, and managing chronic conditions. During my illness, I researched, catalogued, and implemented tools that not only helped me to survive, but thrive! My experiences began as a tale of survival and pain and transformed in my mind to become a resource guide and launch of this website.
Six years in the making, my workbook and guide is based on research, proven health techniques, and sound advice. I share the lessons I learned, and describe tools that helped me to heal and return to an active lifestyle. Are you or someone you know joining me on the bionic path? The purpose of this book is to assist family members, caregivers, healthcare providers, and joint replacement recipients. May readers find it intriguing, insightful, and useful.
You can learn more about my book on my About page.
Now that I kindly have your attention, I would be honored to earn your respect. Whatever your reason for being here, I share my professional background with you. Browse the contents of my resume and website. My resources, insights, and 3 key concepts to improved health might just be the keys you've been looking for to live well and be well.
Yours in Health, Tiffany